Tuesday 27 December 2011

Vaccination Saves Lives.

A childhood free of vaccine preventable disease is something most of us take for granted these days. Many of us have not seen the diseases that were once a common threat to children in Australia. Our Grandparents however, could no doubt tell us about their own experiences of disease, or tell the story of a family member who suffered, maybe even died from a disease that is now preventable.

Personally, I am thrilled that today's children can live their lives free of polio, diphtheria, measles, mumps and other assorted diseases that were once just 'part of life' a couple of generations ago. They can get on with the business of being kids, after all, that's their job - to enjoy being a kid!

Sadly, we have here in Australia a small group of people who disagree. Meryl Dorey and her misleadingly named Australian Vaccination Network would have us believe that Australia's vaccination program is part of a world wide conspiracy aimed at population control through killing and injuring children and making us all chronically ill. They also suggest that childhood disease is beneficial and necessary for children to be healthy. Yes you did read that right, that is the message she sells, and has been selling for years. Tomorrow, she will be selling her misguided and untruthful message at the Woodford Folk Festival, but more on that tomorrow...

The undeniable fact about vaccination is that it saves lives...

I am proud to be part of a grassroots group called Stop the AVN and the campaign to stop the misinformation and financial misconduct of the AVN. May Australia's, and the world's children continue to have improved health and lives due to vaccination and other medical advancements. They deserve it!